How to Use Cat's Claw to Treat Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition characterized by the stomach's inability to digest food and process toxins and bacteria, which then pass straight into the bowels. Because many alternative health experts consider the cause of leaky gut syndrome to be a deficiency of the immune system, you can use cat's claw, which boosts white blood cell production, to treat the condition.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat's claw tincture, capsules or extract
  • Physician or alternative medicine specialist
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      Visit your regular physician to have your stomach problems properly diagnosed. You should only conclude that you have leaky gut syndrome if your doctor cannot find a specific medical cause of your symptoms.

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      Make sure that any cat's claw extract you buy contains enough of the plant's active ingredients to treat leaky gut syndrome. Read the label closely to determine exactly which active ingredients are contained in the extract, and how much is there. Ask for help from a herbal remedy expert if you need it.

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      Use your preferred form of cat's claw to treat leaky gut syndrome. You can either buy crushed bark to make tea, take a liquid form of cat's claw or swallow it in a capsule. Each form comes with varying dosage requirements, which you should understand with the help of your doctor or herb specialist.

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      Keep an eye on your leaky gut syndrome symptoms once you start to use cat's claw to treat them. If they improve, continue taking cat's claw. If they don't, stop using the herb. It can cause unpleasant side effects like diarrhea, nausea and dizziness, which you don't need to put yourself through if the extract isn't helping your symptoms.

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      Remain mindful of allergic reactions, which a minority of patients report. Allergic reactions are marked by skin irritations like rashes and itching, which can be a sign of kidney inflammation. If you're allergic to cat's claw, discontinue its use at once.

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      Do not use cat's claw if you take immunosuppressive drugs, or if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

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