How to Use Cat's Claw to Treat Inflammation

A vine that originates in the tropical regions of South and Central America, cat's claw has been used as a traditional remedy for thousands of years to treat various conditions and illnesses. Some studies suggest it helps reduce inflammation of both internal and external injuries and eases medical conditions marked by inflamed tissues.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat's claw capsules, tincture or ground extract
  • Physician
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  1. Choose a Cat's Claw Extract

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      Speak to your physician before you use cat's claw to treat inflammation or any other chronic condition. It is thought to have interactions with several classes of drugs, including diuretics, anticoagulants and antihypertensive medicines.

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      Read the label of the extract you want to buy with the assistance of an employee of a health food or herbal treatment store. Make sure the extract you buy contains enough of the active ingredients that reduce inflammation.

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      Pick from the various forms of cat's claw. It is sold in capsules, as a tincture that combines the herb with alcohol and water or as a bark extract that you can use to make tea. Ask your doctor and a store clerk for dosage and preparation advice.

    Use Cat's Claw to Reduce Inflammation

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      Ask your doctor if you should use cat's claw every day, or if you should only take it when the condition causing your inflammation is acting up.

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      Treat inflammation using the dosage recommendations outlined by your doctor or herbal remedy specialist. Generally, 100 to 1,000 mg of extract are used per cup of tea and up to 1/2 a tbsp. of tincture is taken per dosage. 100 to 350 mg per day is taken if you use the herb in capsule form.

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      Monitor potential side effects closely. While many patients report that they experience no side effects, some people suffer from nausea, diarrhea and dizziness when they use it. Often, side effects diminish with continued usage. If your side effects linger, you should stop taking cat's claw.

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