How to Use Cat's Claw to Treat Alzheimer's

Because some scientific studies suggest that cat's claw can stop the beta-amyloid plaques that cause Alzheimer's disease from forming in the brain, some people use it to treat and prevent the condition. Preliminary findings suggest that cat's claw may be an effective supplementary method for managing Alzheimer's disease and preventing the condition from worsening.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat's claw extract
  • Physician
  • Alternative medicine specialist
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    • 1

      Identify the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease, and use cat's claw as a preventative measure to inhibit the onset of the condition. Heredity, increasing age and a family history of the disease are usually cited as the primary risk factors.

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      Get the advice of a doctor before you try to treat Alzheimer's disease with cat's claw. People taking certain medications, including immunosuppressors and hypertension medicines, should not use the herb.

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      Administer cat's claw to a patient suffering from Alzheimer's disease as directed by a physician. The herb is available in three different forms: capsules, tincture and ground extract used to make tea.

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      Track side effects as best you can if you are giving care to someone with a severe or degenerating case of Alzheimer's. Because Alzheimer's patients frequently have trouble communicating clearly, you should learn to spot the side effects yourself. They usually include nausea and diarrhea. However, in some cases patients develop skin rashes and itching, which are signs of a kidney inflammation resulting from an allergic reaction to the root. Cease treatment immediately if this occurs.

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      Use cat's claw as a secondary, supplementary treatment only. If the patient's doctor approves its use, you should consider it to form only a part of a well-managed and complete treatment program. Scientific studies regarding the efficacy of cat's claw as a treatment for Alzheimer's are inconclusive.

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