How to Use Hoodia for Diabetes
Opt for hoodia from Africa. Because of the ideal climate found in the African deserts, other countries are unable to produce equally potent hoodia.
Consider the benefits of its natural ability to suppress appetite. Many people afflicted with diabetes developed the condition as a result of poor eating habits. Hoodia works to suppress appetite cravings.
Continue with doctor's orders. If your doctor has advised you to administer insulin injections or imposed a special diet or exercise plan, it's important to maintain these habits while using hoodia.
Tell your doctor that you are using hoodia. Even if you are mildly diabetic and not taking any medications for the disease, your health care provider should be aware of all of the treatments you use in case you should ever fall into a diabetic coma or end up in the emergency room with diabetic symptoms.
Consistently use hoodia. With any treatment, consistency is key. Diabetics particularly need to stick to routines, and if you use hoodia, you must manage your dosages as you would any other medication.
Keep a journal of your journey with hoodia. That way, you can closely monitor any positive or negative changes as they occur and share them with your doctor.
Look for formulas that are not extracts and that do contain higher concentrations of P57. P57 is the active ingredient in the hoodia plant, and it's best to purchase formulas that are ground from the stem of the plant rather than extracted.