How to Use Ginger to Treat Indigestion
Visit your local grocery store to purchase a variety of products made from ginger. Ginger is available as a root or a powder, in capsules and in beverages like ginger ale and tea. However, many ginger ales do not contain ginger, so read the ingredients carefully.
Limit yourself to the recommended dosage of 1 g. of ginger per day to treat indigestion. It is generally recommended that ginger only be used for up to 3 weeks as a treatment for indigestion. If your symptoms persist, contact your doctor, as you may be experiencing a more serious condition.
Divide your daily intake of ginger into 3 or 4 servings. One gram of ginger powder can be split up into four servings. Ginger powder is great to use for making ginger beverages, which are generally more effective in treating indigestion, as they soothe the stomach and throat.
Use ginger powder or slices of ginger root to make ginger tea. Ginger tea can be served hot or cold, depending on your preference. Steep one serving of ginger powder or a few small slices of ginger root in 1 cup of boiling water to make ginger tea.
Don't use too much sweetener in your ginger tea. Though you may be accustomed to using sugar or artificial sweeteners in your tea, excessive sweetener may cause further indigestion by irritating your stomach. Honey is a good alternative to sugar because it may help relieve sore throats.