How to Treat Vertigo Without Drugs
Confirm that you have vertigo by getting diagnosed by a doctor. This condition responds very well to medications and herbs.
Understand that herbal medicines are popular with people suffering from vertigo because they cost less than conventional drugs, and are considered more "natural" as they come from natural plant sources. Herbal medication may be made from a plant's seeds, leaves, flowers, berries, bark and/or roots.
Herbs, such as ginkgo, help reduce dizziness and lightheadiness. Ginkgo also is believed to increase memory and treat tinnitus, which sounds like ringing in the ears.
Rest your body as soon as you feel the symptoms of vertigo; go to a quiet place and away from bright lights. In general, move at a slower pace until symptoms go away.
Do simple exercises to help relieve vertigo; many are especially beneficial for older adults.
Stay on your regular diet, but avoid salt and stimulants. Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids every day.