How to Use Grape Juice to Treat Exhaustion
Things You'll Need
- Seltzer/tonic water
- Concord or white grape juice
Boost Your Energy With Grape Juice Therapy
Familiarize yourself with the varied causes of exhaustion. Exhaustion is sometimes caused by specific disorders such as fibromyalgia, polymyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or rheumatica. It can also be a reaction to a compromised immune system due to excessive stress or a poor diet. Anemia is another common cause of exhaustion.
Visit your doctor to rule out other medical conditions as potential causes of your exhaustion. Drinking grape juice is contraindicated for some conditions, because the amount of sugar it contains can actually increase fatigue. Ask him to perform a simple blood test to determine whether or not you may be anemic (have low iron levels in your blood).
Boost your immune system by drinking an 8-oz. glass of grape juice daily. Like grape wine, the juice contains flavanoids that act as antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the damaging free radicals that are byproducts of your body's oxygen use. Grape juice can also increase the production of nitric oxide in your system, helping to keep arteries clear.
Read labels carefully and avoid purchasing a product that is advertised to be a "juice cocktail" or one that contains a small percentage of real fruit juice. In order to receive maximum benefits from grape juice therapy, you need to choose a brand that contains 100-percent fruit juice. Otherwise, the benefits will be counteracted by the fatigue of a sugar crash.
Use only white or light grape juice to treat anemia-related exhaustion. Though dark Concord grape juice has been shown to have the most effect in increasing energy, it can also lower the iron levels in your blood. Light-colored grape juice, on the other hand, has the opposite effect, adding iron to the blood of those who need it.
Replenish fluids and combat muscle fatigue after an exercise session by drinking a refreshing grape juice spritzer. The drink, made by mixing grape juice with seltzer or tonic water, is light and thirst quenching. It is also lower in calories than a full glass of grape juice.