How to Choose Quality Herbs
Don't automatically purchase the lowest-price herb. It's better to spend more money for a quality product. The quality of herbs is just as important as any other medication.
Read the label carefully. It should list all of the herbs in both botanical name and common name, and the part of the plant that was used. For example, Panax Ginseng-root. The label should also include the strength of the herb and any necessary warnings regarding its use.
Purchase herbs from companies that are established and have knowledge and experience about herbs.
Be wary of the claims of companies boasting about miraculous cures and healing of diseases, especially if they claim to cure one specific disease. They are likely to be a sham, and will probably carry poor-quality herbs.
Ask your naturopath or your health care provider about good sources for quality herbs. Your family and friends may be able to offer suggestions, too.
Purchase herbs for tea in bulk rather than in tea bags. Many tea bags are bleached, and may have been on the store shelf for a long time, diluting the potency. It is easier to determine potency and quality with bulk herbs.