How to Treat Skin Ulcers With Natural Medicine

Skin ulcers have many causes, including abrasions that are not treated properly and become inflamed and infected, or from pressure causing venous insufficiency, such as bedsores. Skin ulcers can cause skin death in the surrounding tissue, secondary infection and weakness and often take a long time to heal. You should seek medical treatment for severe skin ulcers; however, you can treat minor ulcers and compliment traditional medicine with herbs and natural medicine.

Things You'll Need

  • Resin of myrrh
  • Isopropyl rubbing alcohol (90%)
  • Cotton balls
  • Soft cloth
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Arnica ointment
  • Fresh calendula
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      Make a myrrh astringent and antiseptic tincture to treat and prevent skin ulcers. Mix one part resin of myrrh to five parts 90 percent isopropyl rubbing alcohol. This tincture should not be used on open skin ulcers, but can prevent the skin from opening or becoming infected where ulcers are beginning to appear. Apply three times a day with cotton balls or a soft cloth.

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      Apply aloe vera gel liberally to the affected area to reduce inflammation and reduce bacteria. You can buy gel in your local grocery store, or squeeze the natural juices from a living aloe vera plant. Apply as often as needed to relieve heat and swelling.

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      Massage arnica ointment gently into the skin ulcer to calm inflammation and kill germs and bacteria that can make the condition worse. Arnica is also available in tincture form, which can be put on a cloth or added to a poultice and applied to the wound. Arnica should be used sparingly as long-term use can cause dermatitis. Never take arnica internally.

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      Bathe the affected area daily in a tea made with calendula. Boil four teaspoons of calendula flowers with one quart of water for at least 20 minutes. Strain the flowers and allow the water to cool to a comfortable temperature. Soak a soft towel in the water and wash the area, always drying thoroughly.

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