How to Use Herbal Remedies for Anxiety

Anxiety disorders can be debilitating conditions that keep you from living a normal life. While the causes of anxiety vary, traditional medicine treats panic and anxiety disorders with expensive prescription medications that can have unwanted side effects. Herbal remedies can be an effective way to calm the mind and body, helping you to learn how to deal with your anxiety and lead a normal life.

Things You'll Need

  • Bacopin supplements
  • Chamomile tea
  • Ginkgo Biloba supplements
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      Alleviate anxiety by taking daily supplements of bacopin. Bacopin has been used in herbal remedies in tropical areas for centuries to treat stress disorders and has been clinically proven to help relieve anxiety and nervousness.

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      Drink one cup of chamomile tea at night before bed, particularly if your anxiety affects your sleep. Chamomile has natural tranquilizing effects and reduces the stress chemicals released in the brain. Chamomile tea is readily available in most grocery stores, or you can make your own tea from fresh flowers. Boil 1 cup of water and remove from heat, adding the flowers and allowing to steep for 5 minutes before straining and drinking.

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      Take Ginkgo Biloba supplements daily, one of the world's oldest herbal remedies. Ginkgo increases the oxygen levels in the brain, helping to promote feelings of well being, while reducing anxiety, stress and nervousness.

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