How to Use Turmeric for Stomach Ailments
Improve digestion by taking turmeric. People who take turmeric as a regular supplement tend to suffer from fewer stomach problems.
Take turmeric if you are suffering from heartburn. People with ulcers also find relief by taking the herb. You should take the supplement before you eat your meals to prevent heartburn from occurring.
Purchase a turmeric supplement at a vitamin or herbal retailer. Check for turmeric at the Vitamin Shoppe chain store or online at VitaCoast and iHerb. Most supplements contain approximately 300 mg of turmeric.
Decide between a liquid extract and pill form of turmeric. Although liquid extracts are available, capsules are the most popular.
Ask your doctor about the correct dosage of turmeric. Most physicians and dietary supplement companies suggest that you take one to three capsules a day.