How to Take Hawthorne for Health

Hawthorne (Crategus oxyacantha) is also known as mayflower, whitethorn and thornapple. It is a small thorny tree in the rose family that is found in Europe, North Africa and western Asia. It has red or white berries that are used medicinally. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


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      Read about the historical uses of hawthorne. Nicholas Culpepper recommended it in the 17th century as a remedy for congestive heart failure and kidney stones.

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      Look at the modern uses of hawthorne. It is used to enhance circulation, lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol. Large amounts may cause sedation and dizziness.

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      Consider the results from modern scientific testing of Hawthorne. A number of clinical studies show Hawthorne to be effective in the treatment of congestive heart failure.

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      Take hawthorne only with a physician's approval if you have angina or cardiac arrhythmia, are pregnant or nursing. The bioflavonoids in Hawthorne may increase the effect of digitalis and other blood-thinning medication.

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      Take no more than the recommended dosage. Hawthorne extract is commonly standardized at 1.8 percent flavonoids and taken as two 300 mg capsules per day. A tea also may be prepared with two teaspoons of crushed berries per cup of boiling water. Drink no more than two cups per day.

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