How to Take Agnus Castus for Health

Agnus castus is commonly known as chaste berry or monk's pepper because the Greeks believed it reduced the sex drive. It is native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia and is now grown commercially in Albania and Morocco. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


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      Collect and dry the reddish-brown or black fruits that grow on this densely branched shrub during the summer. This is the medically important part of the plant.

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      Study the traditional uses of agnus castus. The first recorded medical use of this plant was in the fourth century B.C. by Hippocrates, who prescribed it for disorders of the uterus.

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      Look at the results from modern scientific testing of agnus castus (known generically as Vitex.) The first scientific research was conducted in 1930 on this plant's effects on the female reproductive system. Some of the ingredients have been isolated, but no single component has been shown to have hormonal activity. Subsequent testing indicates agnus castus may be effective in the treatment of menstrual discomfort, particularly that associated with low progesterone levels.

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      Watch for side effects of agnus castus, even though it appears to be well tolerated. Large-scale studies have not shown side effects significantly above those of the placebo.

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      Take no more than the recommended dosage. The usual dosage is two tablets once per day of 280 mg Vitex extract. Vitex is slow acting and given for six months on average.

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