How to Use Herbs to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Cancer, a leading cause of death in the United States, is a disorder in which cells mutate and begin to reproduce without any restraints. Cancerous tumors, if left unchecked, can greatly interfere with the body's natural processes. Many alternative medicine practitioners believe herbal remedies can help reduce the risk of cancer. It's believed that herbs grown for culinary or medicinal purposes can increase immunological function, detoxify the blood stream and inhibit uninhibited cell reproduction. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need

  • Suma
  • Cat's claw
  • Computer with Internet access
  • Green Tea
  • Pau d'arco
  • Echinacea
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  1. Use Herbs to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

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      Increase your body's natural immune function with herbs like echinacea. It's been widely praised by alternative medicine practitioners for its ability to boost immunity and reduce the risk of infection.

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      Include pau d'arco in your daily diet. Pau d'arco is a powerful anti-bacterial agent that can cleanse the blood and reduce toxins in the body.

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      Give yourself a further immune system boost by taking cat's claw. Thought to encourage the body's natural defenses, cat's claw may also contain anti-tumor properties.

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      Use suma on a regular basis. Also known as Brazilian ginseng, suma contains pfaffic acid, the chemical thought to inhibit specific types of cancer, like leukemia and melanoma. Suma can be taken for up to 20 consecutive days. After that, you'll want to stop for at least 2 weeks.

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      Drink 2 cups of green tea per day to assist in warding off cancerous cells. Green tea is believed to help prevent or lower the risk of getting skin, stomach, colon and esophageal cancer.

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      Get more information about lowering your cancer risk with herbs by visiting the "American Cancer Society" Web site (see Resources below). There, you'll find a wealth of resources geared toward conventional and alternative therapies to treat cancer.

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