Uses for Cava Extract
Companies that manufacture Ecklonia cava extract report the extract exhibits more antioxidant potency than green tea extract and remains in the body for longer periods of time, increasing its efficacy and reducing free radicals. The removal of free radicals reduces the oxidation of body fats (lipids), which produce LDL cholesterol that may damage the heart muscle and clog arteries. Antioxidants promote healthy cell growth, stop premature aging and support the body's immune system in fighting disease. Dr. Ray Sahelian, M.D., reports further studies are needed to support this conclusion.
Fibromyalgia and Arthritis
Ecklonia cava extract manufacturers report that the sea alga shows particular benefits at scavaging peroxynitrite, a free radical that may cause fibromyaligia, chronic fatigue, Gulf War syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities and other conditions. Zimbio reports that an eight-week double-blind study with human fibromyaligia patients noted that they slept better, boosted energy levels, reported less pain and an improvement in their health. Ecklonia cava reduces inflammation in joints, according to a study reported in the February, 2006, edition of the "Archives of Pharamchol Research." The study reports that the peroxynitrite scavenging and antioxidant properties were noted in the in vitro study results. Dr. Ray Sahelian, M.D., reports these claims need further studies to be conclusive.
Metabolism Increase
Manufacturers claim that Ecklonia cava extract boosts metabolism, energy levels, and may lead to a reduction in body fat. They base the claim on a study of lab rats and a second study using 20 male college students who agreed to supplement their exercise regime with Ecklonia cava. Those using the cava extract evidenced higher blood glucose levels following exercise than those who supplemented with a placebo. This study, reported in the "International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism," stated that the researchers were unsure why the extract produced better glucose oxidation and lower lactate production.
Brain and Memory Effects
Animal studies reported that the extract increased blood flow to the brains of lab rats. The rats' brains contained more acetylcholine following a seven-day course of the extract. Acetylcholine increases learning and memory skills. Distributors of Ecklonia cava extract believe the rodent study demonstrates a positive correlation in human alertness, memory and the ability to decrease beta-amyloid formation which occurs in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. Dr. Ray Sahelian, M.D., reports this conclusion lacks support by human studies and the material does not appear in a peer-reviewed journal.