Do Dried Raspberries Have Medicinal Value?
Vitamin C and Fiber
Dried raspberries contain significant amounts of vitamin C and fiber. Vitamin C has been shown to strengthen the body's ability to fend off infectious disease. It also has anti-inflammatory effects. Fiber aids in proper digestion. Adequate consumption of fiber is also associated with lower risk of a variety of health problems like cancer, diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke and obesity.
Vitamins C, A and E are antioxidants which are becoming increasingly well known for their health benefits. Dried berries are known to contain particularly high levels of antioxidants and raspberries are among the top ranked in terms of antioxidant content. Antioxidants are believed to aid in cancer prevention by counteracting the cell multiplication associated with cancer. They are also thought to counteract the natural process of oxidation, or cell damage, that can lead to disease over time.
Raspberry Tea
The dried leaves of the raspberry plant can also be used to brew a medicinal tea. The tannin content in raspberry leaves can calm digestion, regulating the liquids in the intestinal tract, aiding proper bowel formation. Raspberry leaf tea is also known to tone pelvic muscles. It can aid against bed wetting if children drink a cup with dinner, or it can improve bladder tension for menopausal women. It is also recommended for women who have recently give birth as it can help the uterus to regain muscle tone and encourages the production of breast milk. Raspberry leaf tea can also be applied topically, using a tea-soaked cloth. The tea soothes burned skin and encourages protein production, aiding healing.
Fresh versus Dried
Though dried raspberries have significant medicinal value, it is important to consider the differences between choosing dried and fresh fruit. While fresh raspberry contains high levels of vitamin C, the drying process can significantly diminish raspberry's vitamin C content. On the other hand, dried fruits have been shown to contain larger concentrations of antioxidants. Raspberry leaves must be dried before using them to produce tea, as fresh leaves can cause stomach irritation.