Use of Herbal Products
Ginkgo biloba is among the best-selling herbal remedies in the United States and Europe. In France and Germany, ginkgo biloba is the most commonly prescribed medicine. Scientists are investigating the herb's use in battling forms of dementia such as Alzheimer's disease.
Fennel is renowned for its purifying effects on the body. Bruises, cellulitis and obesity are conditions that can be addressed by the consumption of fennel seeds.
Ancient Greek philosophers credited grapes for their healing powers. The Greeks usually consumed the grapes in the form of wine. Grape leaves were used to stop bleeding, pain and inflammation.
While dandelions are considered a nuisance to many North Americans, they are cultivated in China as a herb. Dandelion leaves are credited mainly for their ability as a diuretic.
Other popular medicinal herbs include agrimony, American mandrake, angelica, trilliums, black cohosh, bloodroot, blue lobelia, burdock, California poppy, catmip, cinquefoil, ephedra, everlasting, German chamomile, ginseng, goldenseal, ground-ivy, hepatica, Japanese honeysuckle, Joe pye weed, lyr-leaved sage, May apple, mullein, passionflower, pinkroot, pokeweed, red clover, skullcap, Solomon's seal, speedwell, St. John's wort, usnea, violet wood sorrel, wild carrot, wild ginger, wild quinine, wild yam and yarrow.
Angelica is credited for providing protection to prolong life, while also giving magic and divine and creative inspiration.
Cedar purifies and cleanses a person's aura. It increases a person's strength, relationships, and is credited for assisting the wholeness of spirit and body.
Chamomile adds to a person's wisdom and energy, while driving away nightmares. The herb can assist a person to recollect knowledge from past lives. Chamomile relaxes you while giving you a sense of peace.
Mint is credited for helping people to achieve success, money, healing and motivation. The herb is said to stimulate the brain and relax nerves.
Other popular spiritual herbs include bay leaf, calendula, daisies, dandelion, fennel, geranium, grapefruit, hawthorn, lavender, lemon balm, mistletoe, pansies, parsley, peppermint, roses, rosemary, sage, thyme and witch hazel.
Herbs are a healthy addition to many meals and they add a kick to some of the basic ingredients you use.
Basil is a common ingredient in many sauces. The leaf goes well with tomatoes and can be used to create pesto.
Chives are popular with dips, tomatoes and potatoes.
Parsley is often used as a garnish, but is a main ingredient in items such as potato salad and tabouli. Italian parsley is most popular for cooking while basic parsley is more commonly used as a garnish.
Other popular cooking herbs include cilantro, dill, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme and winter savory.
Growing Herbs
According to the University of Nebraska, many people find that planting herbs after the last frost in the spring is the best time. Many plants can be lost with a single day of frost. For first-time herb planters, you may want to start with planting transplants, rather than seeds. Herbs are a popular growing choice for those who live in apartments because many herbs require little space to achieve their full growing potential.