The Best Ways to Drink Valerian Root Tea
A Strong Infusion
A review of herbal medicines used for different psychiatric disorders was published in the journal "Psychiatric Services" in September 2000. The researchers involved in the study stated that 3 to 5 grams of powdered Valerian root steeped in hot water for 10 to 15 minutes is the standard method of preparation for Valerian root tea. Hot water infusions like this are one of the traditional ways to prepare and drink Valerian root tea in Western herbalism.
The researchers found that Valerian root did have strong effects on the subjects of several studies. Valerian root decreased the number of nocturnal awakenings in test subjects and improved the quality of their sleep subjectively. In another study, cited in the same review, Valerian root was found to have sedative and anti-convulsive effects, and these were attributed to volatile oils found in the root itself. Valerian root was also found to have rare adverse effects with signs and symptoms of an overdose being little more than central nervous system depression.
When to Drink Valerian Root Tea
Because Valerian root tea is a sedative and relaxant, the best time to drink it is before going to bed. Many people also use Valerian root as a means to combat stress and drink it after work or after completing exhausting tasks as a means to relax. Valerian root should not be drunk before driving a car or operating heavy machinery as it may impair your dexterity and cause drowsiness.
Preparing Valerian Root Tea
Valerian root can be purchased in bulk powder form or in tea bags at most health food and herbal supply stores. Use the bulk powder form as it lets you measure and control how much you are using per dose. Heat the water to boil and then turn off the heat, putting the loose Valerian root powder in directly. Leaving the heat on may destroy the volatile oils that are responsible for the herb's potent action. Let the Valerian root steep for 10 to 15 minutes and then strain and drink. Add honey to sweeten the tea, as some find the taste unpleasant.