Honey Locust Blossoms for Tea
Medicinal Use
The honey locust tree was first used by native Americans as a medicinal tea. Traditionally, tea or extracts from the honey locust seed pod were used to treat the measles and indigestion. The seed pod extracts are known to be antibacterial, anti-fungal and expectorant, making this extract good for topical ointments as well as for clearing phlegm when consumed. Extracts from the seed pods are also known to break down red blood cells, which may prove beneficial for individuals with cancer.
Identifying the Honey Locust
It is important to ensure that you are able to properly identify the honey locust tree and that you are able to distinguish between the honey locust and the black locust. The black locust is poisonous and should not be used. The black locust tree is very similar in appearance to the honey locust; however, the honey locust has pairs of short thorns at the base of each leaf, narrower leaflets and longer pods.
Making Tea from Pods
Gather honey locust pods when they are ripe; they will appear dark brown. If the pods are bright green, they are not ready. Rip the ripe pods in half lengthwise and then soak them in hot water. Do not use boiling water. Finally, strain the tea through a cloth. Sweeten the strained concoction with honey or sugar. Reheat or serve cold.
Honey Locust Extract
The extract from the honey locust pod is also known to promote positive health. If you are unsure of whether you can properly identify the honey locust tree and ensure safe tea ingestion, purchasing the extract from a health store is an option. Extracts can then be added to the tea and consumed as a drink or may form a topical ointment for application to skin where its anti-fungal or antimicrobial properties are required.