How to Use Goldenseal Tea for Mouth Rinse
Goldenseal powder is extracted from plants found in the northern parts of the United States. Native American tribes have used the plant for medicinal purposes for many years. For advocates of alternative and natural medicine, goldenseal is still thought to have health benefits in treating skin conditions and mouth ailments such as gum disease and canker sores.Things You'll Need
- 8 ounces boiling water
- 1 teaspoon goldensenseal powdered root or leaves
- Pan
Fill a pan with water and add the ground goldenseal leaves or powdered root to the water.
Bring the mixture to a boil. Lower the heat and allow it to simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.
Strain the tea. Allow it to cool slightly before attempting to rinse your mouth with it.
Take a sip of cooled tea into your mouth and swish it around as you would with normal mouthwash. Take care to allow the liquid to wash over any sores or other areas that you are attempting to treat.
Use the tea mouth rinse several times a day.