What Are the Benefits of Fructus Rubi?
Excessive Urination
One of the primary benefits of Fructus Rubi according to traditional Chinese medicine is alleviation of excessive urination. It helps invigorate the kidneys and livers by entering the meridians of those two organs, at which point it shrinks the volume of the urine "basin," thereby reducing the need to urinate as frequently.
Involuntary Discharge of Semen
Complimentary to the liver and kidney benefits, Fructus Rubi works as a treatment for insufficient consolidation due to a kidney deficiency. One of the side effects of this symptom is involuntary discharge of semen, along with the corresponding frequent urination. The herb works by combining the kidney essences, thus eliminating involuntary ejaculation.
Improved Vision
Dark or cloudy vision caused by simultaneous liver and kidney deficiencies is another side effect that can be alleviated by the use of Fructus Rubi. The belief of traditional Chinese medicine is that the liver opens into the eyes, so a healthy liver naturally leads to improved eyesight. Since the essence of all organs flows upwards into the eyes, by improving the health of the kidneys and liver you can improve your eyesight if it somehow impaired by problems with these two organs.
Overall Body Health
Fructus Rubi is believed to help stimulate steroid synthesizing enzymes and reduce their degradation over time. As a result, testosterone levels are believed to be kept at their highest through the use of this herb, which stimulates healthy appearance as well as the dark color of Chinese hair. The belief is that hair is ruled by the kidneys, so healthy hair and an overall healthy appearance can be maintained through the use of this herb.