The Effects of OPC-3
Effects on Skin
OPC is an antioxidant and, as such, binds free radicals in the body. OPC may reduce the damaging effects of UV rays on skin, as well as have anti-aging properties. OPC taken in pill form also has the ability to reduce melesma, areas of hyper-pigmentation on the face and neck due to sun exposure, genetics, pregnancy or photo-toxic drugs. No studies have been conducted regarding possible topical applications of OPC.
Cardiovascular Effects
Various clinical studies show that OPC may improve cardiovascular health by increasing the elasticity of arteries and veins. French physicians already prescribe the OPC brand Pycnogenol to treat varicose veins. Regular doses of 300mg reduce the pain, swelling, cramps and tingling associated with venous insufficiency in the legs. There is also limited evidence that OPC may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol oxidation by free radicals. It also decreases platelet aggregation, the most common cause of blood clots.
Anti-Cancer Effects
OPC shows possible cancer-targeting activity. Tests performed on normal and cancerous cell cultures of breast, lung and gastric tissues show that OPC specifically targets cancer cells and prevents further growth without causing any toxic effects in normal cells. However, there have been no human trials to show if OPC will limit or prevent tumor growth in the body.
Effects on Eyes
Doses of 100mg to 300 mg daily may help reduce eyestrain related to regular use of computer screens and other back-lit video displays. In addition, subjects also reported greater ability to refocus after a glare, such as exposure to headlights while driving at night.
Effects on Diabetes
OPC reduces insulin resistance in rats by decreasing the circulating insulin levels. In addition, OPC may protect pancreatic tissue, reducing instances of pancreatitis and possible pancreatic failure. Study participants also reported greater control over their blood sugar while taking OPC.
Liver Protection
Regular doses of 50 to 100mg of OPC protect the liver against the toxic effects of acetaminophen (aspirin) and other drugs. While the exact mechanism of protection is unknown, possibilities include enhancing the DNA repair mechanism or reducing the free radical effect of drugs.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Effects
Children and adults who take daily doses of OPC have experienced increased concentration and cognition abilities. However, discontinuing OPC use causes an immediate recurrence of symptoms. Researchers suggest that the beneficial effects of OPC are due to its ability to remove free radicals and chelated heavy metals, both of which many people believe are a primary cause of ADHD and autism.
Side Effects
OPC does not have the ability to cause toxicity in humans. However, several test subjects have reported mild allergic reactions or stomach discomfort. People with high blood pressure or at risk for high blood pressure should not take OPC with vitamin C.