How to Extract Grapefruit Oil
Things You'll Need
- 10 organic grapefruits
- Glass bowl
- Peeler
- Saucepan
- Muslin
- Rubber band
- Large pot
- Jar
- Funnel
- Organic extra virgin olive oil
Wash and peel the skins off of the grapefruits. Layer the skins in a heat-resistant glass bowl.
Fill the bowl with enough olive oil, so that the grapefruit skins are fully covered.
Fill the saucepan halfway with water. Set on low heat. Place the glass bowl in the saucepan and simmer for up to five hours.
Remove the glass bowl from heat. Loosely cover the funnel opening with muslin. Secure in place by wrapping a rubber band around the funnel. Place the bottom of the funnel in glass jar.
Strain the oil mixture through the muslin and funnel into the jar, and seal it. Store it in a cool, dry place.