Natural Alternatives to Sacropoplexy
Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises can be done anywhere. Kegel pelvic floor exercises can significantly strengthen the connective tissue and muscle layers that hold up the organs of the lower torso. The exercises can be completed at any time of day and without anyone knowing. That means you can exercise while you wait in line at a grocery store or pick up your children at school. Doing the exercises consistently every day garners the best results.
A shoulder stand can help. Yoga offers the opportunity to become more conscious of how you breathe and relate to your body. Learning how you relate to abdominal pressure is a key to improving your pelvic floor's integrity. Yoga includes several postures to improve pelvic floor strength, such as the supported headstand and the unsupported shoulder stand.
In Chinese medicine, organ prolapse is diagnosed as a "sinking Qi" condition and treated with herbs and acupuncture. The treatments help to strengthen, rectify and lift the body's Qi. The most famous acupuncture point for treating prolapse in the body is called Baihui, the point of 100 meetings. It is at the vertex of the head.
Sprouts are rich in enzymes. A diet designed to help the body easily move digested food through the colon and out of the body reduces constipation and the need to bear down or push during a bowel movement. Such a diet includes food high in fiber and rich in enzymes, including sprouted nuts and seeds, fresh vegetables and fruit in addition to whole grains and beans. Avoiding processed food, refined sugar, fatty food and fried food, which lack fiber and slow digestion, is important. In addition, one of the most valuable ways to support colon health is to drink more water, which is a purifier.