Essentials of Swedish Massage
A Swedish massage usually begins with effleurage, which is a smooth gliding stroke that covers long distances on the body. It may involve movements from the neck to the bottom of the spine, or motions from the shoulder area to the fingers. Therapists direct the strokes toward the heart to assist in blood and lymphatic circulation. This stroke relaxes soft tissue, such as muscles, ligaments and connective tissue.
Petrissage is often the second type of movement in a massage session. This technique consists of gently elevating muscles from the bony structures they lie above. It usually employs kneading and compressing movements of rolling and squeezing, to foster circulation in the deeper veins and lymphatic vessels. The advantage of improved circulation is that it provides nutrients and oxygen to assist with cell growth and repair. It also facilitates the release of toxins from muscles and nerve tissue.
Friction is the deepest of all the stroke techniques. It involves applying deep circular or transverse movements to soft tissue, so that deeper layers of tissue rub against more superficial layers. Therapists administer this motion close to joints and bony prominences. The advantage of friction is that it increases joint flexibility through breaking down knots in bound muscle fibers. It improves circulation as well.
Tapotement involves rapid percussive strokes where the hands strike the muscles. This technique has different benefits, depending on the length of time the masseuse performs it. When therapists administer it for less than 10 seconds, it has a stimulating effect, but when they apply it up to 60 seconds, it promotes relaxation. If the masseuse uses tapotement longer than 60 seconds, it can provide relief from muscle spasms.
Vibration involves fast shaking of the back or limbs, which the therapist only administers a few seconds at a time. It stimulates circulation and helps the muscles contract. Those who suffer from low-back pain can benefit from this technique. The movement is especially beneficial in working on the nerves. It is stimulating when the masseuse performs it for a short period, and relaxing when they administer it for a longer period.