Natural Oils & Their Uses
Hair Care
Natural oils are much healthier for your hair than shampoos and conditioners. Not only do many of the shampoos and conditioners on the market damage your hair, but they do a number on the environment too. In light of this unfortunate truth, many conscientious environmentalists are turning to natural oils to protect and condition their hair. Jojoba oil is a moisturizer for dry hair. Castor oil, particularly when it is heated, is good for damaged and dry hair, while grapeseed and coconut oils are both known for giving hair a natural shine.
Natural oils create healthy skin. Lavender, Rose, Rosemary and Geranium oils are all considered healthy for general care of the skin. When dealing with skin problems, such as acne or blackheads, Chamomile, Coriander, Thyme, Peppermint and Lemongrass oils are most effective. For dry, chapped skin, try some Calendula-infused oil.
Natural oils are at the core of aromatherapy. According to, "Aromatherapy is the practice of using the natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being." Natural oils, some believe, act as stimulants for the brain when they are inhaled. An increasingly popular alternative form of medicine, the practice of aromatherapy uses natural oils to aid in pain relief, treatment of depression and mood disorders.
Natural oils have long been used to enhance the effectiveness of massage. Sweet Almond, Jojoba and Arnica are a few of the more common natural oils used in massages. In addition to their soothing properties where the skin and muscles are concerned, the power of fragrance is also a reason many massage therapists rely so heavily on natural oils. Natural oils from St. John's Wort flower, Rose petals and Lavender leaves are a few examples of oils that combine soothing and fragrant properties.