Skeleton- & Skin-Building Techniques
Skeleton Building
Calcium is necessary for strengthening mineralization in bones. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, contributes to bone growth, and assists the osteoblast and osteoclast cells that constantly remodel the bones. A sure-fire skeleton building technique is to consume more of these elements by either milk consumption or calcium and vitamin D3 supplements.
Skin Building
Initiate and maintain a healthy skin care regimen. Regular scrubbing builds skin because it allows dead skin cells to slough off for rejuvenation. Applying moisturizer after each exposure to water protects skin from drying out. Moisturize the skin with an oil-based lotion. Protect the skin from debilitating sun exposure with proper clothing coverage and sunscreen.
Spinal Care
The skeleton allows for mobility but bears up the human frame. Bearing weight inappropriately leads to poor posture and spine misalignment. Dr. Mallika Marshall recommends keeping your weight down to reduce bone stress, sleeping on a medium-firm mattress for spine support and maintaining flexibility with regular exercise.