How to Learn Massage for Free
Hot stone massage with black river rocks Ask your mate or a close friend if they would like to learn the art of massaging and if you can partner together to learn the many different techniques used. Discuss the long list of benefits of getting a massage and how fun it would be to learn it. If he or she is in agreement, create separate appointments for each of you when time permits and treat it like a professional appointment at a spa. Make each session interesting by trying a new type of massage such as hot stone or foot reflexology.
Massage techniques require practice. Purchase videos and illustrated manuals that provide you with step-by-step instructions. Search online for a wealth of informative sites with videos. Look for tips and techniques you would like to practice with your partner but talk it over first with your partner before practicing any of them on each other. Massaging is more than just touching someone; it is also about trust. Discuss the techniques and the process from beginning to end before the massage session. Talk in detail about any possible awkward moments that may come up and be embarrassing. Agree to keep open communications between you and your partner to create a trusting bonding experience.
Proper massage tools make the experience enjoyable. Start your own massage group with friends if you want more practice and feel comfortable doing so. Ask them one by one to join you in trading massages to share and learn new techniques. There are several exchange groups online set up for this type of interaction, but approach them with caution. Joining an online massage exchange group and meeting up with strangers can be interesting but potentially dangerous and is not recommended. You will be better off starting your own massage group with close friends.
Getting a massage from a therapist can teach you new techniques. Look for promotional offers from professional organizations and schools for an opportunity to experience a free professional massage. Although they may take some searching and may not be available on a regular basis, you can still find them. Search online at specific organizational and schools sites for information. You can do a general search but the promotional offer may only be listed on the website.
Also look for offers around major holidays such as Mother's Day or Christmas. Health fairs typically have one or two therapists who may be set up to promote their business or practice. Doctors may offer a free massage to sign up new patients. Getting a free massage from a professional will give you insight as how to give a massage.