Holistic Remedies for Yellowjacket Stings

Yellow jacket stings are venomous puncture wounds that may result in pain and swelling at the site of the sting and general discomfort through the healing process. Holistic treatments traditionally address issues of both mind and body. For yellow jacket stings, you can apply a variety of natural remedies to restore calm to both body and mind.
  1. Removing the Stinger

    • The most important step in providing fast relief from a yellow jacket sting is to remove the stinger. Technique is important, because using a tool such as tweezers or squeezing the wound in an attempt to remove the stinger may accentuate the problem by releasing more venom into the system.

      Sliding the edge of a spoon or a credit card along the skin and flipping the stinger out is the best way to quickly reduce pain and swelling in the area of the sting.

    Aspirin Treatment

    • Pain and throbbing generally accompany a yellow jacket sting, and once you have removed the stinger, you can apply a pain remedy.

      One simple application is aspirin. Combine a noncoated aspirin with a small amount of water, and rub it on the site of the sting. Pain relief and reduction in swelling may occur within a few minutes.

    Baking Soda Paste

    • A paste of baking soda and water may be applied to the site of a yellow jacket sting and should result in relatively fast relief of pain and swelling. This may be an attractive option if you are looking for a fast remedy using basic household ingredients or for a drug-free remedy.

    Sliced Onion

    • A sliced onion may hold the key to preventing inflammation as well as easing the throbbing pain associated with a yellow jacket sting.

      According to Eric Block, PhD, an expert in onion chemistry, when the cut side of an onion is placed on the site of the sting after the stinger has been removed, a naturally occurring enzyme in the onion goes to work to break down and neutralize compounds in the yellow jacket venom that cause pain and inflammation.

    Herbal Remedies

    • Herbs and essential oils are also drug-free topical remedies for yellow jacket stings. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, lemon balm, tea tree oil, calendula and plantain may be effective herbal treatments. You can also use eucalyptus, clove and citronella oils.

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