How to Make Your Own Colloidal Silver Using a Coin
Things You'll Need
- Six-volt DC transformer
- Wire cutter
- Wire stripper
- 2 alligator clips
- 2 clean, silver Canadian Maple Leaf coins
- 1 gallon of distilled water
- Small fish tank bubble machine
- 2 feet of neoprene tubing
- 8 oz. glass
- Glass or plastic bottle with air-tight lid
Clip the connector from the end of the DC transformer wire.
Separate the two wires carefully, then strip off the insulation one inch down from each wire using a wire stripper.
Connect the lead from each wire to the clip.
Clamp a silver coin to each side of an 8 oz. glass using alligator clips.
Place the neoprene tubing in the bottom of the glass. The tubing sometimes comes with the fish tank bubble machine. Neoprene tubing exists as a black, flexible, synthetic rubber tubing that resists corrosion from chemicals.
Pour distilled water into the glass to the bottom of the alligator clips only. Make certain the metal from the alligator clips never touch the water--you only want the silver coins to contact the water.
Plug in your newly created fish tank bubbler machine transformer and allow it to run for about five hours.
Remove the silver coins carefully to prevent the residue that formed on them from getting into the colloidal silver solution you made. You can also siphon the solution using the neoprene tubing into a clean bottle, preferably made of glass or plastic. Make certain you have an air tight lid for the bottle.
Store the tightly sealed colloidal silver in a dark location. You now have a solution made with 5 parts colloidal silver per million parts water or 5 ppm. Clean your silver coins using soapy water for the next batch. You have the ability to make more colloidal silver than you will ever use.