How to Talk to Your Doctor About Candida

Candida overgrowth affects a third of the United States population. Symptoms include fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, cognitive impairment, respiratory problems, and many other medical conditions. Because candida symptoms can mimic many other health problems, getting an accurate diagnosis from your doctor is crucial to proper treatment.


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      Consult a list of candida symptoms such as the one provided by and track your symptoms for the days or weeks leading up to your appointment. Bring a list of your symptoms to the appointment. The more information you can provide your doctor, the better your chances of receiving an accurate diagnosis.

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      Request a blood test called the Candida Immune Complex, which evaluates blood for the immune response to Candida albicans. You may also wish to request a yeast culture or a test for candida antibodies.

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      Ask for permission to stop taking prescription antibiotics if you are currently taking them. Antibiotics kill the beneficial intestinal bacteria that helps keep candida under control.

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      Ask for a recommended diet plan to help starve out the yeast organisms. Candida diets typically call for the elimination of sugar, processed foods, and simple carbs. Your doctor may also recommend anti-fungal medication or supplements.

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      Return to your doctor a few weeks after starting anti-fungal therapy to repeat the test and see if your candida levels have decreased.

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