Sickle Cell Anemia & Holistic Treatments
What Is Sickle Cell Anemia?
According to the Mayo Clinic, sickle cell anemia is basically genetically inherited anemia. Anemia is caused by an insufficient amount of red blood cells. In the case of sickle cell anemia, the red blood cells are misshapen, and this disables them from moving through blood vessels. When the blood cells get stuck in vessels, blood flow is slowed, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply. The symptoms of sickle cell anemia include fatigue, painful episodes called "crises," swelling of the hands and feet, jaundice, increased susceptibility to illness, slow growth and difficulty with vision. Sickle cell anemia is usually diagnosed shortly after birth.
Common Treatments
There is no cure for sickle cell anemia. Besides holistic options, patients can use medication to treat some of the disease's symptoms. As noted at, most people with sickle cell anemia take antibiotics such as penicillin from infancy on into adulthood due to their decreased immunity. Pain relievers may be helpful to those who suffer from chronic pain. For severe cases of sickle cell anemia, Hydroxyurea may be used, but only with doctor approval. Other treatments, such as bone marrow transplant and gene therapy, are currently being studied by doctors.
The Holistic Approach
The holistic approach to sickle cell anemia is meant to affect the whole lifestyle of the person affected. Rather than simply taking a pill every day, holistic treatment attempts to benefit the patient by improving eating habits, exercise and mental health. There are also natural herbs that can be used to decrease the occurrence of crises and reduce chronic pain. For instance, prickly ash bark and gingko bilboa are used in Nigeria, where sickle cell anemia is quite common. These herbs could reduce the chance of a crisis by up to 75 percent. In America, holistic treatment is gaining in popularity as well. At the University Hospital of Cincinnati, for example, a new holistic treatment therapy program has recently been implemented.
Benefits of Holistic Treatment
Holistic treatment is quite beneficial for sickle cell anemia patients as it addresses both physical and psychological needs of patients. Holistic treatment is a very personal approach, and individual needs are taken into consideration. This is particularly important for sickle cell anemia patients, whose weakened immune systems require constant attention and support.
Holistic treatment also helps sickle cell anemia patients deal with the isolation that the disease may cause. Sickle cell anemia patients are encouraged to live their lives as normally as possible. According to Gwendolyn Brown, an educator at the University of Cincinnati and also a sickle cell anemia patient, the disease can even keep patients from pursuing jobs, as noted at Cincinnati University Hospital's holistic approach to sickle cell anemia even offers employment opportunities for patients.
Limitations of Holistic Treatment
Sickle cell anemia can be quite serious, resulting in a crisis (also known as vaso-occlusive crisis, as noted at the University of Maryland's article "Sickle Cell Disease"). While holistic medicine may help to prevent a crisis, hospitalization is recommended if a crisis does occur. Another complication for which hospitalization is recommended is acute chest syndrome (ACS), which usually occurs during a crisis in response to a lack of oxygen in the lung tissue. Even with hospitalization and increased medical awareness, ACS still carries a two-percent mortality rate in children and a four-percent mortality rate for adults. Holistic care may aid in preventing these complications of sickle cell anemia, but conventional medicine is more effective in treating them.