Holistic Treatment of Myelodysplasia
Fundamental Principles of Holistic Medicine
The holistic treatment of myelodysplasia promotes an integrative approach to treating the whole person through the use of various mind-body therapies and spiritual support. Specific therapies include expressive art therapy, acupuncture, massage, botanical medicine, meditation, visualization, yoga and other movement therapies.
Symptom Management
According to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, holistic therapies help to counteract the side effects of conventional treatments for myelodysplasia, most notably nausea associated with chemotherapy. Additional benefits may include reduced anxiety, fatigue, depression and pain.
Researchers at the Indiana University School of Nursing conducted a feasibility study involving 24 patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation and found that mindfulness mediation improved their ability to cope with the procedure psychologically and emotionally.
Several of the nation's leading experts in cancer and massage developed the "Caring and Cancer Project" based on the results of a study involving 97 caregivers and patients. Patients were undergoing chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukemia during the study. The National Cancer Institute sponsored the project. The study, published in a 2009 issue of The Journal for The Society of Integrative Oncology, stated that caregivers trained in massage therapy reported improved relationships with cancer patients, while patients benefited from enhanced quality of life.
Adverse Side Effects
Holistic treatments for myelodysplasia should be monitored by a health care professional since some therapies may interfere with conventional treatments. For example, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society notes that certain herbs and nutritional supplements may reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs or impair blood clotting.