Pancreatic Detox
Support pancreatic detox and health by eliminating refined sugars and rich fatty foods. Add fresh fruits and vegetables, such as brussels sprouts, tomato, cucumber, spinach and asparagus to your diet. Papaya and pineapple will provide your body with the digestive enzymes it needs and take stress off your pancreas.
Because movement is essential to the body, adding exercise to your daily routine will also promote pancreatic detox. Aim for 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise such as walking. Breathing exercises are also beneficial and should be performed at least once a day, preferably upon waking or right before going to sleep.
Staying Hydrated
Hydration is essential to pancreatic health. To stay hydrated and promote detoxification, drink between 8-10 glasses of flat mineral water a day. This will promote detoxification via the kidneys. Also, limit alcohol and caffeine consumption.
Some yoga postures are excellent for stimulating the pancreas and aiding pancreatic detox. The deep breathing typically involved in yoga help stimulate lymph.
Dry Brushing
Use a soft brush with natural bristles or a loofah sponge to brush the skin on your entire body. Start at the feet and work your way up using soft circular motions always toward the heart. This will promote circulation of lymph in your body, which in turn promotes detoxification.