Holistic Treatment of Metastatic Colon Cancer
Biological Therapy
Biological therapy, also known as immunotherapy, introduces certain immunomodulating agents to naturally stimulate immune system activity. This is in contrast to chemotherapy, which targets and destroys cancer cells but impairs the immune system, leaving the patient weak and vulnerable to infections. The therapeutic agents used in biological therapy are referred to as biological response modifiers (BRMs) and are naturally produced by the body, such as interferon.
Expressive Arts Therapy
Also known as creative arts therapy, the aim of this holistic treatment is to promote emotional articulation and self-awareness through journaling, dance, yoga, poetry, photography and other forms of creative expression. According to the American Cancer Society, case studies have shown that expressive arts therapy reduces anxiety, improves coping skills and assists in pain management.
Guided Imagery
Researchers at the Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem studied the effects of guided imagery on 90 cancer patients and found that mind-body relaxation helped to reduce anxiety. The researchers also found this effect lasted for 6 months after the study concluded.
Integrative Oncology
Many cancer treatment centers now strive to integrate conventional treatments with complementary therapies, such as herbal medicine, nutritional therapy, acupuncture and massage. As the term implies, complementary therapies are intended to "complement" conventional medical treatments, not to serve as alternative or substitute therapies.
Holistic treatment of metastatic colon cancer does not exclude evidence-based therapies, meaning those proven to be effective through clincal studies. Discuss and remain open to all treatment options with your physician.