Pre-Surgery Body Cleanse

Surgery causes a great deal of stress from many sources, such as anesthesia, internal abrasions and post-operative medications. A great way to support your body's defenses, expedite healing and minimize pain lies in a pre-surgery body cleanse.
  1. The Program

    • A cleanse in line with the Gerson Therapy, including coffee enemas, consumption of unpasteurized juice and a vegetarian diet, will greatly enhance the body's ability to recover quickly after surgery.

    Coffee Enemas

    • The body's entire blood supply passes through the liver every three to five minutes carrying toxins picked up along the way from tissues throughout the body. The caffeine in coffee enemas stimulates the bile ducts, forcing the release of toxins.


    • According to the Gerson Therapy, raw juice helps to restore electrolytes lost during the enema process. Approximately 16 to 24 oz. of raw organic green juice or juice from organic carrot, apple and orange is recommended for each coffee enema administered.

    A Vegetarian Diet

    • According to Dr. Max Gerson, a vegetarian diet either long term or short is beneficial to the liver during a cleansing process as it decreases much of the liver's work load. A clean liver will aid in your ability to heal swiftly.

    The Procedure

    • A coffee enema twice a day for at least three days and up to 10 days prior to surgery is recommended. An 8-oz. glass of raw juice every hour between enemas along with a vegetarian diet is also recommended to restore lost nutrients.

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