How to Heal Autoimmune Thyroid
First things first. Thyroid is not an easily defeated organ. It is a very powerful, active and strong gland that accomplishes many vital tasks to keep your body healthy and happy and it is very capable of healing and restoring. Take a chance to restore and heal thyroid naturally but continue with your thyroid medication until you feel the changes and you require thyroid medication adjustment or whatever your doctor may recommend.
Buy a Heavy Metal Cleanse Product. Even if you did not have mercury fillings in the past, there are dozens other ways your thyroid might have accumulated heavy metals. Start your autoimmune thyroid healing program by taking a heavy metal cleanse supplement now. Over time, heavy metals will leave your thyroid, enabling it to heal, work better and you will experience less hormone fluctuating which you still have by being on hormone replacement therapy. Heavy metal cleanse to be taken 3-4 hours after taking thyroid supplement.
Cleanse your liver by drinking milk thistle tea or capsules. This will help the liver to dispose of toxins, debris, excess hormones out of your body, and after a while our liver will be able to work optimally, to heal thyroid by restoring natural hormone balance.
To further speed up healing process you could visit an acupuncturist. Acupuncture will promote body's natural healing ability. Acupuncture has great results to heal autoimmune thyroid or improve thyroid functioning and it may enable your body to produce some hormone on its own.
Avoid coffee, black and green tea and other caffeine products. Green tea has a tremendous amount of fluoride in it that is toxic to thyroid. Instead, drink herbal teas that do not have caffeine.
Thyroid is located in throat chakra. Making sure that you use a creative outlet to express yourself and your desires is important to your thyroid balance. If you do not know how to express yourself, try singing, writing down your thoughts, ideas.
If you are having stress try listening to pleasant, relaxing music and drink chamomile tea before bed time. Deal with your stress but add to your life minutes of good time by learning to relax, using EFT or Tapping. Bring out good feelings by thinking of happy times, help your body to remember how it felt to feel happy, healthy.
Do not let your doctors telling you that you will never heal and take your hopes away from you. Add to your conventional medicine alternative methods of healing / acupuncture, Chinese herbs, etc /
Continue searching for answers. Your body is capable of healing, of getting better. -
Use positive imagery and affirmations - self hypnosis. Such hypnosis could be effectively done by using a recording with your own voice and a professional script or by listening to a hypnotic CD to promote the desired changes in your health towards optimal. See links for reference.