Epsom Salt & Boils
Boils are deep-seated skin infections that develop when bacteria or staphylococcus becomes trapped in the skin. They often begin as small but painful red spots and commonly sprout from hair follicles. Left untreated the sore grows larger and more painful until it eventually fills with pus and pops.
Squeezing, poking or attempting to pop boils will further irritate skin and can enlarge the infection. So, hands off. Warm baths and hot compresses with Epsom salt multiple times a day expedite healing.
How it Works
Heat and moisture from the water or compress help bring the boil to a head and open it, allowing the infection to drain naturally. Epsom salt draws out toxins, reduces swelling and relieves pain in the infected area.
Epsom Salt Bath
Dissolve 2 cups Epsom Salt into warm half-full tub. Soak with boils fully immersed. Repeat baths daily until boil has drained.
Dissolve 1 tsp Epsom salt in 1 cup of comfortably hot water. Saturate wash cloth in solution. Apply compress to infected area for about 20 minutes multiple times daily until boil has drained.