Seaweed Detoxification
Seaweed Bath
One method of using seaweed for detox is to create a seaweed bath. Because seaweed can be purchased in dry or powdered formulations, it makes this valuable substance easy to use. Simply draw a hot bath and "brew" your seaweed bath by adding the dried seaweed, enclosed in a porous container, to the water. Allow the substance to steep much as you would a cup of hot tea. Alternatively, you can add seaweed powder directly to the bath. Another method employs the use of seaweed bath gel that can be applied directly to the body before entering the tub. Any of these methods are completely acceptable and draw toxins to the surface, allowing them to be washed away by the bath.
Seaweed Wrap
Seaweed wraps are another way individuals can use seaweed to cleanse their systems. Seaweed wraps employ the use of seaweed powder that is mixed into a paste and slathered liberally over the entire front half of the body. The person is then wrapped in cellophane for 30 minutes while the detoxification process occurs and then the paste is washed away. This process is best performed by a salon professional, though do-it-yourself kits are available.
Seaweed Supplements
Seaweed can also be consumed as a way to flush toxins from the system. The key ingredient is fucoxanthin, a carotenoid that is considered a natural antioxidant. Fucoxanthin is the compound responsible for giving brown seaweed its color and UV radiation resistance. The consumption of fucoxanthin aids individuals with the detoxification of the digestive system and may also aid in weight loss efforts by promoting a higher metabolism level, forcing the body to burn fat for fuel. Fucoxanthin can be obtained by eating brown seaweed or by taking seaweed supplements. Both can be found in health stores.