Dry Cough Naturist Treatment
Increasing the air moisture within your home by using a vaporizer or humidifier can remedy spells of dry coughing. J. Owen Hendley, M.D., recommends using a vaporizer in your bedroom at night to remedy coughing. Salt gargles can be used to soothe a sore throat, which can trigger dry coughing, while saline nose drops can be used to treat post-nasal drip, which triggers coughing symptoms.
Risk Factors
Dry air caused from home heating systems during winter months can lead to bouts of dry coughing. Sally E. Wenzel, M.D., affirms that dry heat induces coughing and suggests regular use of a humidifier as a naturist treatment to increase home air moisture, soothe respiratory tissues to prevent and treat dry coughing.
L. Davis, M.D., states that avoiding exposure to environmental irritants can prevent dry coughing symptoms. Irritants to avoid include pet dander, pollen, dust, mold, tobacco smoke, noxious fumes and chemicals.
Hendley asserts that increasing fluid intake as a naturist treatment for dry cough will thin mucus secretions, making it easier to rid the body of mucus and reduce coughing symptoms. Increase fluid intake by sucking on ice chips, eating warm soups or broths and/or eating a frozen fruit bar.
Essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint or pine can be added to vaporizer water as a naturist treatment to create soothing vapors and reduce the urge to cough while sleeping. Drinking cool beverages may instantly stop an attack of dry coughing, but carbonated beverages and citrus juices can increase throat irritation, possibly increasing coughing symptoms, and should be avoided.