Lipotropic Detox
Lipotropic Detox contains several ingredients aimed at promoting proper metabolism of toxins and healthy bile flow. These include, but are not limited to: taurine, trimethylglycine, artichoke, milk thistle, circumin and vitamin C. Check the label on the Lipotropic Detox bottle for more information regarding content.
Take one to two tablets of Lipotropic Detox with every meal. Aside from ensuring that you take the proper dosage of Lipotropic Detox with every meal, most of your effort should consist of simple practices that can make Lipotropic Detox more effective. Engage in mild exercise every day. Exercises that promote wellness and broad, range-of-motion techniques, such as t’ai chi and yoga, are excellent choices. Increase your water intake to at least three quarts per day, and use filtered water. Try to incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables as well as organic and whole foods into your diet. Eat foods rich in fiber, such as brown rice and dried fruit.
Try to avoid foods that would promote the buildup of toxins within your blood stream. These include sugar, refined products, milk products, foods with preservatives, microwaveable meals, coffee and fried foods. Avoid late night eating. Do not use nicotine or tobacco and limit your alcohol intake as much as possible. Replace butter with olive oil when cooking to avoid saturated fat. Use honey or dried fruit to garnish your meals rather than salt or sugar.
Because toxins can also enter the body through airborne particles, you may be able to cut down on the amount of toxins you inhale by installing an air purifier in your home. Avoid secondhand smoke or other forms of air pollution as much as possible.
The ingredients trimethylglycine and turmeric can cause gastrointestinal upset, including diarrhea and nausea. Consult your doctor or physician before taking Lipotropic if you are pregnant, lactating, have bile duct obstruction, are currently on blood-thinning medication or have an allergy to either artichoke or milk thistle.