How to Lower a Sedimentation Rate Using Holistic Medicine
A holistic diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits and seeds can prevent inflammatory conditions. For instance, blue-berries and cranberries provide extra protection against inflammation. Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory enzyme found in pineapple. Natural herb and spice supplementation work hand in hand with a healthy diet to lower sedimentation rates.
Things You'll Need
- 500 mg ginger capsules.
- 400 to 600 milligrams turmeric extract capsules.
- 1200 milligrams omega-3 fatty acid capsules.
- Fresh ginger tea.
- Curry powder seasoning.
Limit or eliminate red meat, alcohol, hydrogenated fats, refined sugars and flours. These foods encourage inflammatory responses.
Take 500 milligram ginger capsules twice a day with food. Use ginger liberally in foods and drink fresh ginger tea daily. Ginger’s active chemical compounds are gingerols that work by inhibiting inflammatory responses. Make fresh ginger tea by peeling fresh ginger and chopping it into ¼ cup cubes. Add cubed ginger to a pot of 6 cups filtered water. Bring to a boil. Add honey for sweetness.
Take 400 milligram turmeric capsules three times a day. Eat Indian curry. Turmeric is a bright yellow spice found in Indian curries and used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Curcumin is the active anti-inflammatory component of turmeric.
Take a 1200 milligram omega-3 fatty acid capsule daily. Found abundantly in salmon and flax seed oil, omega-3 fats prevent the production of inflammation causing prostaglandins.