Holistic Cures for Infection
What is an Infection?
An infection occurs when a foreign body enters a host (your body) and begins to negatively affect you. The infection uses the host's natural resources to grow. Basically, it feeds off of the healthy body. In most cases, when there is an infection there will be inflammation. Infections can cause pain, gangrene, chronic wounds and even death if not treated.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has many healing qualities. For skin problems, you can dab some on the infected area or spray some through a spray bottle onto the infection. Many internal infections, such as a bladder infection or urinary tract infection can be cured by drinking apple cider vinegar. Just a capful, or a tablespoon is enough to cure. For persisting infections, continue for a few days.
In many infections, growth continues because the infection finds the environment it in in optimal to growth. Many bacteria and viruses thrive in a condition that is slightly more acidic. To lower the acid levels, increasing your calcium intake will lower your acidity. This in turn will create a less than ideal environment for the bacteria and virus to thrive in.
Chamomile Tea
The ingredients in chamomile tea have amazing qualities that help fight off infections. Not only does it do wonders if taken internally, but it helps to clear infections on the skin. Make a strong pot of chamomile tea and wait for it to cool down so as not to burn yourself. Then soak the infected skin in the tea for 15 minutes. For internal infections, drinking the tea for a few days will cure the problem.
Make sure that you consult a medical professional when dealing with infections. Some infections can be secondaryt o a bigger problem that you do not know about. Seek a doctor to make sure that there is not a bigger problem to deal with. Also, make sure that the cures discussed are compatible with any existing health problems you may have. For instance, cardiac patients are warned not to increase their calcium intake. Medical professionals should always be contacted before making any dietary changes.