Herbal Allergy Cleanse
Green tea can be used when your allergies have already started and works to shrink the swollen membranes to reduce symptoms. You should take green tea three times a day until symptoms are reduced. This tea also strengthens your immune system to fight off viruses and your body's response to allergens. If you are experiencing inflammation in your nasal passage due to allergies you can take nettle seed and eyebright. Nettle seed is an anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory which works to shrink the swollen mucous membranes and reduce inflammation. This can also be used for excess mucous discharge due to allergies and chronic inflammation for seasonal allergies. Eyebright is also a antihistamine and anti-inflammatory that works to relieve symptoms of itchy eyes. These treatments can be taken every day until those symptoms are relieved.
Horseradish root works as an antibiotic and antiseptic to cleanse your sinuses. Goldenseal rhizome and rootlets are antibacterial and antifungal herbs that stimulate the mucous membranes to relieve symptoms of allergies. Capsicum is a high in vitamin C to support the immune system. It also contains quercitin which is a natural antihistamine which works to relieve allergy symptoms. Acerola cherry is also a natural source of vitamin C and natural antihistamine. Marshmallow root works to relieve irritation of the mucous membranes causes by airborne irritants. It also aids the body in expelling excess mucus. Burdock can be used to treat symptoms of itchy or sore throat because it works to clear respiratory congestion. Mullein also works to clear respiratory congestion and soothes throat irritation as well as relieves itchy eyes.
These herbs can be taken in supplement form and found at your local health food store. Supplemental herbal remedies may come in different strengthens and dosages, it is important to follow the recommended dosage on the label. You can also take these herbs in tea form or implement them into your daily meal preparation.
Vitamin C can be taken daily to strengthen the immune system and protect your mucous membranes. You can take between 2000 and 4000mg of vitamin C daily to help prevent allergies. Vitamin B5 can also be taken to strengthen the immune systems response to allergy triggers. You can take this vitamin three times a day ln 250mg dosages.