Parsley for Hair Growth
As a scalp lotion, parsley seed disinfected the scalp and stimulated hair growth. It also got rid of lice infestation.
A folk remedy for hair growth is to rub powdered parsley seeds on the scalp and thoroughly massage them into the scalp over a period of three days.
To make a parsley hair tonic, puree a large handful of parsley sprigs with two tablespoons of water, and apply the tonic to a wet scalp. Wrap hair with a towel, and allow the mixture to sit for an hour. Then, shampoo as usual.
Natural hair care remedies, such as parsley mixes, create healthy scalps, stimulate scalpel circulation, and can lead to the growth of long, healthy hair. According to international hair growth expert Riquette Hofstein, parsley as a scalp stimulant has no adverse side effects.
Parsley doesn't have to be made into a paste and applied directly to the scalp in order to be beneficial. Increased Vitamin C consumption, which can be obtained by adding parsley to a diet, reduces hair loss from stress and illness.