Supplements to Help Knee Pain
Glucosamine and chondroitin are two main supplements used to treat the pain and slow the progression of osteoarthritis damage to the knee joint. Both are considered dietary supplements and are not controlled by the FDA. Glucosamine occurs naturally in the body and has a role in cartilage construction. It is available in pill form and some studies have indicated that glucosamine may be as effective in treating knee pain as the normally used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Generally glucosamine does not have the negative side effects of NSAIDs such as intestinal irritation and stomach ulcers making it a safer option. Chondroitin also occurs naturally in the body and is a component of cartilage. Chondroitin helps maintain the health of cartilage by helping to absorb fluids into the tissue. It is also thought to help block enzymes that break down cartilage. It is currently manufactured in pill form both from natural sources (shark or beef cartilage) or synthetically.
Usually glucosamine and chondroitin are taken together and sometimes combined with manganese which is also helpful in building cartilage and reducing pain. Studies of the effectiveness of these supplements are confusing and often contradictory; however, most experts agree that the supplements are beneficial. They are most helpful in early stages of osteoarthritis of the knee. Most experts agree that the supplements must be taken on a regular basis for from two to four months before any positive result is achieved.
Another option is viscosupplementation which must be administered by an orthopedic surgeon. In this process hylauronic acid, which occurs naturally in the body and is manufactured as a supplement (Synvisc and Hyalgan), is injected directly into the knee joint. Normally this involves a series of injections given over a period of several weeks. The process is similar to cortisone injections, but pain relief has been reported to last much longer. Since hylauronic acid is a natural substance, it does not have the possible cortisone side effects which include an increased risk of infection.
The effects of glucosamine and chondroitin on unborn children have not been studied. Pregnant women or those who may become pregnant should not take these supplements. Also glucosamine is extracted from crab, lobster or shrimp shells and those allergic to shellfish should consult a physician prior to taking the substance. However, most allergies are to the shell fish proteins, and glucosamine is extracted from a carbohydrate.
Glucosamine is an amino sugar and may adversely affect diabetics. Chondroitin may not be a safe product either as it is similar in structure to heparin which is a powerful blood thinner. People who are on blood-thinning medication or daily aspirin therapy should have their blood clotting monitored as adding chondroitin may cause bleeding.