Holistic Cure for Stomach Gas
As with any holistic treatment or non-traditional medicine, it is important to make sure that any treatment does not affect other medications that you may already be taking. Consult your physician or another health care professional to see if there might be any negative side effects or interactions of a specific holistic treatment with any current medications.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is purported to help treat acid reflux as well as alleviate stomach gas. Drinking a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water or juice after a meal can help prevent stomach gas. Another proponent of using apple cider vinegar delineates taking 1 tbsp. mixed with water once daily. Try using apple cider vinegar once in the morning. If you still have gas throughout the day, then start adding 1 tbsp. after meals.
Baking Powder
Using baking powder mixed with hot water is another holistic cure for stomach gas. Beware though, the taste will be unpleasant to most. Try the same dosage as apple cider vinegar, starting with 1 tbsp. in the mornings. If gas persists throughout the day, then begin adding another tablespoon after each meal.
Angostura Bitters
Drinking a mixture of water and angostura bitters can also help alleviate stomach gas within about an hour. Drop a couple of dashes of angostura bitters in a glass of water and drink it. Angostura bitters are only produced in Trinidad, but is exported worldwide for beverage taste enhancement.
Dandelions are abundant in most North American locations and the entire plant is edible. Make a bitter tea from the leaves into a decoction that will help treat stomach gas. However, if you are allergic to ragweed, daisies or iodine then you should avoid using dandelions. For some, dandelions are also purported to actually increase stomach acid and heartburn. Anyone who is using lithium, antibiotics or antacids should consult a doctor before using dandelions.