Alternate Cancer Cures
Holistic Approach
Susan Walter, president of the American Holistic Health Association, says that most disease and illness can be traced back to a history of negative attitude and poor lifestyle and dietetic habits. Some cancer victims have successfully employed the holistic therapies of body and environmental detoxification, counseling, meditation and healthy eating habits to defeat cancer.
Herbal Therapies
Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, says that the oldest form of treatment for strengthening the body's ability to eliminate cancer cells is herbal therapy. Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D., recommends the following herbs to fight cancer: astragalus (use only under a physician's care), cat's claw (not for pregnant women), garlic, American ginseng, red clover and shiitake mushroom.
Diet And Nutrition
Balch suggests that reasonable consumption of green tea, and regular intake of rosemary, whole grains, cruciferous vegetables, tomatoes, tart cherries, uncontaminated water; red, yellow, deep orange and blue fruits and vegetables, and small amounts of raw almonds, will promote health and the body's ability to destroy cancer cells. Charles B. Simone, M.MS., M.D., recommends augmenting cancer treatment with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants; maintaining appropriate body weight and exercise; reducing stress; engaging in spiritual activities; and avoiding alcohol and all tobacco products, hormones and drugs; and unnecessary exposure to electromagnetic fields and X-rays.
Biologic And Pharmacologic Therapies
Balch lists biologic and pharmacologic therapies as other approaches to treating cancer. The use of biologic substances or non-toxic pharmacologic agents may inhibit the growth of cancer cells, starve a cancerous tumor of needed nourishment, or re-equip the immune system to attack a tumor.
Choosing Right Therapy
Balch advises extensive research at the library and book stores on each therapy you consider; consultation with experienced alternative practitioners with an established history of success; speaking to people who have your type of cancer and who have tried alternative therapy; and making sure the therapy you choose is designed for your type of cancer.