Holistic Treatment for Over Sweating
Some foods increase the amount of sweat you produce. Very spicy foods can cause some people to sweat. Foods that act as stimulants also cause sweating by initiating a fight-or-flight response in the body. Foods high in sugars, even natural sugars such as juice, can also contribute to sweat production.
Scrubbing in areas that commonly sweat is one way to unblock sweat glands, which can cause these glands to sweat at the normal level. Scrubbing can also remove bacteria that leads to odor.
Many sufferers of over sweating have a psychological basis for their perspiration. This can be corrected through psychotherapy and by engaging in relaxation techniques that help take the sufferer's mind off of whatever is causing the perspiration.
Acupuncture can be used to correct overcharged nerves that cause sweat glands to produce sweat too frequently. Small needles are inserted carefully into the areas that relate to where the excessive sweating occurs.
A variety of herbs are used in the holistic treatment of over sweating. Tea tree oil, burdock, sage, astragalus and belladonna can all be used to reduce over sweating.