How to Develop the Power of Healing
Developing the Power of Healing
Practice conscious relaxation. Robert Egby, author and healer, explains that healers seek to reduce stress to grow in effectiveness. Egby outlines a basic breathing exercise. To begin: wear loose, comfortable clothing. Sit in an upright, but comfortable, chair. Sit straight, with your feet flat on the floor. Rest your hands on your thighs or in your lap. Closing your eyes, pay attention to your breathing. Do not force yourself to breathe in any particular way. Simply attend to your breath. Your mind will become harmonized with your breath, bringing the mind-body into synchronization. Breathe in through your nose. Exhale slowly through your mouth (see Reference 2). Continue for 10-15 minutes.
Learn to balance energy through a healing method, such as Reiki. Study Reiki healing patterns and how to lay on hands for your healing and that of others. As you study under a Reiki master, experience and share the divine energy that Reiki practitioners believe can heal physical, emotional and spiritual disorders. (See Resources for information about Reiki.)
Study herbal therapies. Knowledge is power. Learn herbal properties and the parts of plants used for different healing. When you acquire an increasing knowledge of botanical healing, you enhance your power to heal. Use the gifts of creation to supplement your innate gift. (See Reference 3.)
Look deeply. Bill Gustafson, site author for Bliss Self Help, suggests that healing requires looking beneath the superficial elements of injury or illness. Look deeply into illness and pain. Visualize a person's internal structure. Realize that human organs, circulatory systems and skeletal structures are atomic structures, with molecules suspended by energy (see Reference 1). Learn to work with the energy that supports everything. According to Gustafson, energy healing practices include, but are not limited to, "altered states, dreams, folk medicine, energy and prayer healing." (See Reference 1.)
Follow a spiritual path. Whatever your spiritual beliefs may be, commit to following that path. Religions and spiritual traditions offer clear guidance toward the ultimate goals which they envision. As you explore the wealth of your tradition, you will begin to experience freedom from what separates you from the stream of life. Enter into that stream for self-acceptance and compassion. These are essential qualities for an effective healer.